Monday, March 17, 2008

right before I went to hawaii

I read both of Chandler Burr's books, you know the ones I mean, right? I was a little compulsive for a while there.

so. Emily and I went with our girlfriend's on a girl's day which started with the (just plain bad casting of Eric Bana as Henry VIII) movie of "the other bolyn girl". and ended with a trip to the mall. (all girl's days should end at the mall.)

first we went to nordstrom's cause I thought they might have some perfumes I haven't smelled yet, but they didn't and I was depressed.

then we saw this little janky perfume store off in the corner of the mall and we were like, "it is so janky, it will probably be a total bust, but let's try it anyway." off we went like good little perfume soldiers and lo! we entered a veritable wonderland, an ali baba's cave of delicious perfume frangrances that we wanted to smell all our lives, but were too lame to seek out.

it was delightful and we both had about 10 orgasms each, but left without spending any money... told you. lame.

um. but I came away with a formidable lust for the following:

1. Rochas Femme
2. Rochas Tocade
3. Bulgari Black

that's all.

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