Thursday, April 17, 2008

fragrance wars!

I would love a movie called fragrance wars where perfumers were fighting it out to come up with the best most amazing perfume that ever lived! It would include romantic interludes and fight scenes (lab techs smashing bottles of expensive perfumery materials in each others faces) and explosions! lots of explosions! each scene would be accompanied by the appropriate scents pumped through the ventilation system at the theatre! everyone would leave with a massive headache! and no one could eat for a week!

c'mon! that's never gonna happen.

but a perfume war that does happen every day is one that happens in my mind. it is the war between the signature scent faction and the perfume wardrobe faction.

this war started a few weeks ago when I was just thinking about it like I normally do (think think think) and then K-tron was all like, "I want to find a signature scent." which initially pissed me off. I'm sorry! but that was my response! I don't even like the idea of a signature scent because to me it expects too much of one fragrance. this magic formula fragrance is supposed to be all things to all people at all times? it's supposed to smell just as good at the gun range as during a romantic interlude? and do you really want your beau to associate the gun range with your romantic interludes? I think not.

personally I prefer a range of scents. a wardrobe of concoctions to add romance and glamour to my work-a-day existence. but then I thought... that is me. it is like shoes... some people would like a range of shoe options to choose from, some for painting the house, some for gardening, some for show-going, some for expensive rendezvous. what have you. other people would prefer to wear their chuck taylor's to each and every one of these events. and they would feel perfectly comfortable doing just that. not my way, but maybe it is yours. I don't know.

I think at least have a winter and summer option for your signature scent. give the people something to wonder about. that is my thought.

if I were to have a signature scent for summer it would be diorella, all crisp and sunshiny. if I were to have a signature scent for winter it would be bulgari black, sweet and warm and a little tough.

I hope that helps.


emily said...

i must smell diorella. it's a chypre; what's the deal with chypres these days? they're so good right now.

marshall p said...

they're perfect for summer and they smell new after the candy overdose of the past 6 years.

emily said...

you're smart

marshall p said...

I was hoping someone would notice...