Monday, April 14, 2008

just some stuff in perfumes this week

1. I wore my bulgari black again yesterday and was so happy.

2. I wanted Diorella so bad!

3. my lustful longing for Eau des Mervailles is getting slightly less.

4. I want Dzing! before they discontinue it.

5. finally got perfumes the guide by luca turin and tania sanchez.

6. been reading up on my perfumes.

7. went to anthropologie and sprayed the stinkiest thing ever on me, (it smelled like hot wet stripper in a cocoon of candyfloss). Was asking the jake-inator which ones he liked and he said, "I don't really care what a person smells like," (eyebrow raise from me) "as long as they don't stink." I thought about this for a long time and decided he got the wrong end of the stick as far as perfumes go. not asking what he's attracted to, asking what he liked. whole different ball game.

8. been wearing the lovely sjp body lotion every day and in love with that scent again. (I found a huge bottle at T.J. Maxx for $12, thanks Erin!) I just can't wear the little bottle due to being such hideous a-holes.9. my good is comin' to me!

10. money comes to me easily and I get to have all the dreamy perfumes I want now!


emily said...

men don't differentiate smells in their minds the way women do. it's mostly just "good--want to eat" and "bad--go away" whereas we're judging people's personalities and levels of education and erudition and sexual attractiveness.

is that sexist?

marshall p said...

I think it's because we're more alert to signifiers.